Quickstart for Fedora

Install nodejs from dnf. Then:

$ npm install @angular/cli
$ npx ng new my-app-name

Optionally then install Angular Language support for VS Code.


  • Components - reusable parts for the application, where each component has its own styling and business logic. The root app component holds the entire application.
  • Modules - bundle components into packages, e.g. AppModule
  • Event binding - binding to the events of an HTML attribute, e.g. <button (click)="myMethod()">
  • String interpolation vs property binding
    • string interpolation inserts values using `` syntax
    • property binding - e.g. [myproperty]="someVar" - binds a property on the object to a value. When using with component tags (<my-app-editor>) it is kind of like invoking the component and setting the given property to the given value.
    • event binding - e.g. <my-component (eventName)="something"/> will listen to the given eventName
  • Local reference - e.g. #myVar
  • Directives
    • attribute directives - look like a normal HTML attribute on an element. Can only change properties of an element, not destroy it.
    • structural directives - looks like an attribute but with a leading *. Can also change the structure of the DOM, e.g. if the directive is equal to false, then the given element will be removed from the DOM, e.g. *ngFor="let myVar of myVars". Can’t have more than 1 structural directive on an element.
      • e.g. <div *ngIf="showStuff">


An example model:

export class Recipe {
    public name: string;
    public description: string;

    constructor(name: string, description: string) {
        this.name = name;
        this.description = description;


A component is identified in Angular using the @Component decorator (annotation):

  • selector is the HTML element that will be used to reference this component
  • templateUrl is the path to the HTML file for this component

A component needs to be added into the module in which it’s contained, e.g. add it to app.module.ts under declarations.


Event Binding on click

In the component’s HTML file, generate an event when a link is pressed:

<a href="#" (click)="onSelect('recipe')">Recipes</a>

Then in the component typescript file, define the EventEmitter and the method that will be invoked on click. This will emit the event:

// Output allows this to be listened to from the parent component
@Output() featureSelected = new EventEmitter<string>();

// Emits an event when one of the navbar links is clicked
// Event content is the string of the link name
onSelect(feature: string) {

In the component receiving the event, we bind to the featureSelected event:

<app-header (featureSelected)="onNavigate($event)"></app-header>

And then implement the method that will be invoked when the event occurs - this will set a field loadedFeature:

onNavigate(feature: string) {
  this.loadedFeature = feature;

Finally we can use this field in our HTML, e.g. to show/hide a relevant section:

<app-recipes *ngIf="loadedFeature === 'recipe'"></app-recipes>
<app-shopping-list *ngIf="loadedFeature !== 'recipe'"></app-shopping-list>