Web-based development environments, based on Eclipse Che.


Components included in Codeready Workspaces:

  • Theia - platform for building web-based IDEs
  • Che-Theia - a customised Theia specifically for the Eclipse Che project


  • A factory enables workspace automation and is packaged as a consumer-friendly URL.
  • A workspace is where your projects live and run. When creating a workspace manually, you specify things like:
    • Workspace name
    • Stack (basically a development environment for a given language/framework)
    • RAM
    • Projects
  • A stack defines how to start a workspace.

Things to bear in mind:

  • A workspace uses a Persistent Volume Claim for persistence - so a Persistent Volume needs to be available

Getting started

CRW 1.x Installation on 3.11 using the deploy.sh script

This install script provisions:

  • 1 codeready pod
  • 1 keycloak pod
  • 1 postgres pod
  • 1 codeready-operator pod

This will create a CRD named checluster:

$ oc get crd checlusters.org.eclipse.che
NAME                          CREATED AT
checlusters.org.eclipse.che   2019-12-01T18:30:11Z

and create an initial checluster:

$ oc get checluster
NAME        AGE
codeready   7m

Info about workspaces:

  • Once provisioned, there will be a URL to access Che, e.g.: https://codeready-tommys-workspaces.apps.example.com
  • To log on as a local user, use the credentials given in the CRD attributes Identity Provider Admin User Name and Identity Provider Password.
  • Workspaces are accessed using URLs like this: https://codeready-tommys-workspaces.apps.examplecat.com/dashboard/#/ide/admin/my-fusey-workspace

CRW 2.x installation on OCP 3.11 using crwctl

oc new-project my-workspaces
./crwctl server:start --platform=openshift --installer=operator \

This will:

  • create its own namespace, workspaces, and deploy codeready-operator, devfile-registry, keycloak, plugin-registry and postgres
  • start up future workspaces in the workspaces namespace.

CRW 2.x shutdown on OCP 3.11 using crwctl


  • Get the installation binary (crwctl tool) - download it from the Red Hat Developer website.
  • cluster-admin role on the OpenShift cluster to deploy to (the installation process needs to view serviceaccounts in the default namespace)

To install, using

To shut down, you might need to grab a token first:

curl --data "grant_type=password&client_id=codeready-public&username=admin&password=admin" \

(Where the values for client_id and realm are given in the ConfigMap in the workspaces namespace.)

Then, to shut down:

./crwctl server:stop --access-token=xxxxxxxx

Component versions

  • Codeready Workspaces 1.2.2.GA = Eclipse Che 6.19.x.
  • Codeready Workspaces 2.0.0.GA = Eclipse Che 7.3.2


A stack basically defines a workspace, and includes:

  • a runtime recipe section which defines how to create the workspace, which Docker image should be used.
  • installers, such as org.eclipse.che.ls.java, org.eclipse.che.ls.camel (Camel support), com.redhat.bayesian.lsp (?)
    "recipe": {
      "content": "registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/stacks-java-rhel8",
      "type": "dockerimage"

Community stacks:

Red Hat/product stacks:

  • In CRW 1.2, Red Hat stacks (EAP, Fuse, etc.) are defined in the file stacks.json
  • Some sample Red Hat provided stack images:
    • registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/stacks-java-rhel8 (~600MB approx.)