

There are a few different ways that clients can connect to the broker. Java clients can:

Spring Boot

If Spring Boot detects Artemis on the classpath, it will automatically create a connection factory (see ArtemisXAConnectionFactoryConfiguration @ 1.5.19).

It will create this connection factory using some default parameters - i.e. localhost port 61616. These can be overridden by setting the following properties:



Queues and topics

Anycast vs multicast:

  • Anycast means a single queue within the matching address, in a point-to-point manner.
  • Multicast means every queue within the matching address, in a publish-subscribe manner.

  • The address setting auto-create-jms-queues configures whether the broker should automatically create a JMS queue when a JMS message is sent to a queue whose name fits the address.


  • A durable queue is a queue which is persisted.
  • Messages will survive a server crash or a restart, as long as the messages inside the queues are also durable.
  • Auto-created queues are non-durable.

Message grouping

Message grouping is where all messages for the same message group are sent to the same JMS consumer:

  • Useful when you need all messages with a certain grouping to be processed serially by the same consumer.
  • The JMS property name JMSXGroupID is used to identify a message group.
  • In a cluster, a grouping handler routes messages to the node where the correct consumer is connected.

Large messages

Large messages are handled differently by the broker:

  • Large messages do not count towards a queue size.
  • Even if address-full-policy=BLOCK, a producer will not be blocked from sending large messages. The messages will continue to arrive in the broker’s large messages directory (e.g. data/activemq/largemessages)
  • The threshold for what counts as a large message is set at connection factory level.


  • Connectors define the transport and parameters used to connect to the messaging server; e.g. in-vm connector, http connector
  • Acceptors identify the type of connections accepted by the messaging server; e.g. http acceptor


  • A core bridge connects two instances of Artemis together.
  • A core bridge is also created implicitly when creating a cluster connection to another node.
  • A core bridge isn’t the same as a JMS bridge; and it doesn’t use the JMS API.
  • Core bridges use duplicate detection to guarantee once and only once delivery of messages across the bridge.


Clustering (active-active brokers)

  • Clustering is where multiple brokers are combined together into a single, logical broker
  • Clients can connect to any broker to produce or consume messages
  • The brokers perform load balancing (TODO) and message distribution across the cluster.
  • When a node forms a cluster connection to another node, internally it creates a core bridge to that node.
  • Due to messages moving between the brokers, message ordering isn’t preserved.

High Availability & Disaster Recovery

Relevant settings

  • failover-on-shutdown=true - in a shared-storage topology, this causes failover to be triggered when a server is gracefully shut down
  • check-for-live-server=true -

Testing failover

  • To properly test failover, you should kill the server abruptly, not gracefully, e.g.: kill -9 <JAVA_PID>

General considerations for HA/DR

For message availability:

  • Outside Kubernetes: Using a high-availability pair (Master/Slave) with shared store.
    • When the Master goes down, the Slave will detect this event, load the journal and become the new broker.
  • On Kubernetes: Using a liveness probe and restarting the broker Pod
    • There is no Master/Slave topology on Kubernetes, so no need for a shared file system (because only one Pod will access the Journal at once).
    • High availability is achieved by starting a replacement Pod when a broker fails. Broker failure is detected by a liveness probe in Kubernetes.
    • Total downtime = time for liveness probe to detect failure + time to restart the Pod + time for the new Pod to load the journal

For disaster recovery (e.g. complete failure of a data centre):

  • Mirroring.
    • Mirroring copies messages asynchronously to the broker on the recovery site (e.g. in another data centre).
    • Async mirroring means that some messages may be duplicated or lost entirely.
    • Clients will not automatically fail over to the DR broker, so you will need to manually re-point them to the new broker.
    • Total downtime = manual effort required to start the broker and re-point clients to the new broker (minutes/hours?) + time to read the journal files


Creating queues and topics

  • In Java EE 7, a deployment descriptor can include configuration for queues and topics (<jms-destination>...</jms-destination>)

Configuration in EAP/Wildfly

See the EAP page on this site.

Destination settings

Address full policy (address-full-policy) can be set for a specific destination, or as a wildcard (#):

  • PAGE (default)
  • DROP


Artemis uses JBoss Logging as its logging framework (org.jboss.logmanager:jboss-logmanager) and is configured in, e.g.:

# Additional logger names to configure (root logger is always configured)
# Root logger option

# Root logger level
# ActiveMQ Artemis logger levels
# Root logger handlers

# Console handler configuration

# File handler configuration

# Formatter pattern configuration
formatter.PATTERN.pattern=%d %-5p [%c] %s%E%n


Potential factors to investigate to improve performance:

Messages being delivered to an address exceed its configured size:

  • In this instance, the queue will go into page mode.
  • Page mode is bad for performance, because messages have to be written to disk.
  • Once in page mode, a queue stays in that mode until it has been completely emptied.
  • Look at max-size-bytes to change the queue size in memory.
  • Alternatively, look at blocking producer flow control: set address-full-policy=BLOCK to block producers when max-size-bytes is reached.


Here are the some sample benchmarks for message sending (Camel=>ActiveMQ Artemis), executed in Mar 2020.

This was tested using a Camel on Spring Boot application which receives messages via HTTP (a Servlet) and then publishes the given message onto a queue. Apache Bench was used to invoke the HTTP endpoint. A local containerised Postgres was used as the JDBC persistent store for Artemis.

This table shows the test results:

Messages sent Size Concurrent requests AMQ Persist. Run Total time Messages/sec Mean (iii) Max request time
1,000 10kb 1 File   3 secs 420   37 ms
1,000 10kb 1 JDBC   10 secs 101 9 ms 176 ms
1,000 100kb 1 File   4 secs 271 4 ms 44 ms
1,000 100kb 1 JDBC   16 secs 61 16 ms 123 ms
10,000 100kb 1 File   38 secs 256 4 ms 1059 ms
10,000 100kb 1 JDBC   259 secs 38 25 ms 2992 ms
10,000 10kb 100 File   32 secs 312   1217 ms
10,000 10kb 100 JDBC   48 secs 205 486 ms 1159 ms
10,000 100kb 100 File   34 secs 288 346 ms 1163 ms
10,000 100kb 100 JDBC   57 secs 172 579 ms 4154 ms
10,000 977K 100 File   156 secs 64 1560 ms (iv) 15433 ms
10,000 977K 100 JDBC   2272 secs 4 22726 ms 66299 ms
50,000 10kb 200 File 1st 160 secs 312 (i)   1313 ms
      File 2nd 177 secs 281 709 ms 1716 ms
50,000 10kb 300 File 1st 195 secs 256 (ii) 1172 ms 4340 ms
      File 2nd 171 secs 292 1026 ms 2189 ms
10,000 10kb 1,000 File   31 secs 316   4520 ms


(i) Notice how these tests achieve the same number of messages/sec. This indicates that increasing concurrent requests in the Apache Bench test client had no effect. Possibly my laptop doesn’t have enough resources to actually run 200 concurrent requests?

(ii) Decline in performance - possibly because I was restarting IntelliJ at the same time (not a good idea).

(iii) This is the ‘Time per request’ value from Apache Bench and is the mean time of a request, taking into account that there is concurrency.

(iv) Once the size of the message increases, the mean time starts increasing significantly

Other observations:

  • Throughout these tests, the Spring Boot JVM hovered around 90 live threads.
  • The Spring Boot JVM averaged around 30% CPU.
  • The Artemis broker went to 100% CPU.

Here is an extract from top during a test of 50,000 messages with 200 concurrent requests sending 10K, which shows the details for Artemis and Fuse:

13775 tdonohue  20   0 8437244 688292  21864 S 105.3   4.2  18:23.80 java (Artemis)
29153 tdonohue  20   0 7122824 394800  18092 S  30.2   2.4   5:46.77 java (Spring Boot/Fuse)


Configuring authentication with Keycloak

There is an example that shows how to hook up Keycloak to Artemis. It’s included with the Artemis distribution in the examples folder.

Example authentication flow with Keycloak + Artemis web console (Hawtio)

  1. Browser visits http://localhost:8161
  2. Browser gets redirected to Keycloak login page.
  3. Enter user credentials on the Keycloak login page.
  4. On success, user is redirected back to Hawtio, now authenticated as user (e.g. jdoe)
  5. When executing an operation in Hawtio (e.g. Send Message to Queue), the browser will actually send a request to Jolokia, with a JWT token in the header, e.g.:
    • URL: http://localhost:8161/console/jolokia/?maxDepth=7&maxCollectionSize=50000&ignoreErrors=true&canonicalNaming=false
    • with HTTP header: Authorization: Basic amRvZ....
    • where amRvZ... is a base64-encoded string.
    • The decoded string is: jdoe:eyJhbGci..., which is a username followed by a JSON Web Token, which includes the user’s info and roles in each of the Client apps in in the realm (i.e. artemis-broker, artemis-console, account)
    • You can use the Debugger tool at to decode the token and view its contents. - with HTTP body: {"type":"exec","mbean":"org.apache.activemq.artemis:broker=\"localhost\",component=addresses,address=\"Info\"","operation":"sendMessage(java.util.Map, int, java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)","arguments":[{},3,"{ \"Henlo\" }",true,null,null]}

Example JSON Web Token

  "exp": 1632317552,
  "iat": 1632317252,
  "auth_time": 1632317251,
  "jti": "9cfb241b-1f25-47f6-bb32-c13a689b7df4",
  "iss": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/artemis-keycloak-demo",
  "aud": [
  "sub": "563d5f9b-9119-430e-8963-89e86c22c855",
  "typ": "Bearer",
  "azp": "artemis-console",
  "nonce": "ae440c6e-b029-46bb-8df8-de67215508eb",
  "session_state": "4f3c613d-7d85-4ec7-b66b-229970f485cc",
  "acr": "1",
  "allowed-origins": [
  "realm_access": {
    "roles": [
  "resource_access": {
    "artemis-broker": {
      "roles": [
    "artemis-console": {
      "roles": [
    "account": {
      "roles": [
  "scope": "openid email profile",
  "email_verified": false,
  "name": "John doe",
  "preferred_username": "jdoe",
  "given_name": "John",
  "family_name": "doe"


“constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/json/JsonValue.” when using the Artemis JMS Client dependency and the Red Hat Fuse Spring Boot BOM:

  • The Fuse Spring Boot BOM explicitly excludes the JSON spec from Artemis’s dependencies.
  • Add the dependency javax.json:javax.json-api to your Maven POM.