Clickhouse is a columnar database used by Plausible Analytics.
Run the Clickhouse CLI
Jump inside your Clickhouse container:
# Podman....
$ podman exec -it clickhouse sh
# Kubernetes....
$ kubectl exec -it clickhouse-0 -- sh
Once inside the container, run the Clickhouse cli:
clickhouse-client --user USER --password PASSWORD --database DATABASE
Dump a table to a TSV file
clickhouse-client --user USER --password PASSWORD --database DATABASE --query="SELECT * FROM TABLE FORMAT TSVWithNames" > TABLE.tsv
Import a TSV file into a table
clickhouse-client --user USER --password PASSWORD --database DATABASE --query="INSERT INTO TABLE FORMAT TSVWithNames" < TABLE.tsv
Back up Clickhouse
First create a user and bucket in AWS:
aws iam create-user --user-name clickhouse-backup
# Attach full access for now, we'll tighten this up later
aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name clickhouse-backup --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess
# Create an access key for the user
aws iam create-access-key --user-name clickhouse-backup
# Create a bucket for backups
aws s3 mb s3://
Now drop to a shell on the node (or Pod) where Clickhouse is running:
clickhouse-client --user $CLICKHOUSE_USER --password $CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD --database $CLICKHOUSE_DB
BACKUP TABLE test.table TO Disk('backups', '')
BACKUP TABLE events TO S3('', 'xxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxx')
Run Clickhouse, view users
Run Clickhouse in a container and find out which users are available:
$ podman run --rm --name clickhouse \
-v $HOME/clickhouse/clickhouse-data:/var/lib/clickhouse \
-v $HOME/clickhouse-config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/logging.xml:ro \
-v $HOME/clickhouse-user-config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/logging.xml:ro \
--ulimit nofile=262144:262144 \
-p 8123:8123 \
$ podman exec -it clickhouse sh
# clickhouse-client
:) show databases
Query id: 128bbe62-b95a-4d03-8e30-a356a6aa5979
│ default │
│ information_schema │
│ plausible_dev │
│ system │
:) use plausible_dev
:) show tables
Query id: 4391035e-69be-4086-aa9e-9cca8c35ada0
│ events │
│ schema_migrations │
│ sessions │
3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec.
:) select count(*) from events
SELECT count(*)
FROM events
Query id: b625acfc-d7fc-4534-8811-8227832ef12d
│ 1580194 │
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec.
Restore Clickhouse
Restore Clickhouse data:
$ podman exec -it clickhouse sh