Karaf Maven Plugin



        <!-- Entries in startupFeatures are added to etc/startup.properties. This should include core functionality, e.g. felix, configadmin, features, pax url, etc. -->
            <!-- These are the features given in the karaf-camel-log-archetype archetype -->

        <!-- Entries in bootFeatures are added to etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg. Application-level stuff like camel, cxf, spring, etc -->
            <!-- To get the bundle: commands -->
            <!-- To get the service: commands, e.g. service:list -->

        <!-- Where your own apps should go -->

        <!-- These are added into the lib/ directory of the Karaf assembly -->

More info:

  • Uses karaf-maven-plugin:assembly to build a complete Karaf assembly from your Maven project.
    • Resolves startup features and bundles
    • Resolves boot repositories
    • Adds installed repositories, e.g. camel-blueprint
  • Uses fabric8-maven-plugin and the fuse7/fuse-karaf-openshift container image as a base/builder
  • Builds a file, target/assembly/etc/profile.cfg containing the features and bundles to install into your Karaf custom distribution.

Make sure to add these dependencies to your POM:
