This site is a personal set of tech notes that I’ve collected across lots of different tech topics, from programming to system administration. It’s a collection of things that I’ve learned, and want to share publicly.
I try to keep it updated whenever I’m working on something new. However, you might find that information on certain technologies is quite out-of-date, especially if I’ve not worked with the technology for a while.
For more info about this site, and why you should start a blog of your own, check out the about page.
A-Z of Articles
- ActiveMQ
- ActiveMQ Artemis
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Angular
- Ansible
- Apache Camel
- Apache CXF
- Apache Qpid
- Asciidoctor
- AWS DynamoDB
- Bash pipelines
- Buildah
- Camel: Install Kamel
- CentOS
- ClamAV
- Clickhouse
- cloud-init
- Codecs on Linux
- Codeready Workspaces
- Concourse CI
- cURL
- Debian
- DevOps on OpenShift with Jenkins
- Dig
- Discourse
- Django
- dnf Package Manager (formerly yum)
- Docker
- draw.io/diagrams.net
- Dropbox
- Eclipse
- Elasticsearch
- Ezoic
- Fabric8 Maven Plugin
- Fedora
- Firefox
- Flatpak
- Git
- GitHub
- GlobalProtect
- Gnome
- Go (language)
- GoAccess
- Google Apps Script: Insert a new Sendy Subscriber into Google Sheets
- Google Cloud
- Grafana
- Grafana Alloy
- Grafana Cloud
- Grafana Enterprise Logs
- Grafana Infinity Datasource
- Grafana SLO
- GraphQL
- Helm
- hledger
- Homebrew
- HP DeskJet 2540
- Inkscape
- IntelliJ IDEA
- ipcalc
- iptables
- Isso (commenting engine)
- Istio Service Mesh
- Jaeger
- Java (JDK/JRE)
- Java Logging - SLF4J, etc.
- Java Message Service (JMS) API
- Java Performance
- JavaScript
- JBoss EAP
- Jekyll
- Jenkins
- JPA (OpenJPA and Hibernate)
- jq
- k3s
- Karaf
- Kerberos
- Kops
- Kubernetes
- Let's Encrypt
- Loki
- Loki: Formatting examples
- Loki: LogQL Metric queries
- Loki: Rule query examples
- MariaDB (and probably MySQL too)
- Maven
- Message-Driven Beans (MDBs)
- Midjourney
- mitmproxy
- MongoDB
- Netcat (nc, ncat)
- Netlify
- Netlify CMS
- Networking
- Nexus
- Nginx
- Node.js
- npm
- npx conflicts with local, existing command
- OpenAI
- OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- OpenShift - Jenkins
- OpenShift - Operators
- OpenShift - Templates and Image Streams
- OpenShift Container Platform
- OpenShift for App Dev
- OpenShift: Authenticate to Docker Hub
- OpenShift: Find which ServiceAccount is running a Pod
- OpenShift: Install Knative
- OpenTelemetry
- OSGi
- Pact (contract testing)
- Pandoc
- PlantUML
- Plausible Analytics
- Playwright
- Podman
- PostgreSQL
- Prometheus
- Python
- Python development and package management
- Quarkus
- React
- Red Hat AMQ Broker
- Red Hat AMQ Interconnect
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS
- Red Hat Fuse (JBoss Fuse) and Fuse Fabric
- Ruby
- sdkman
- Sendy
- Serverless Framework
- Shell scripting
- Sigstore
- SpiderOak
- Spring Boot
- ss
- SSL and Certificates
- SvelteJS
- SVG/Web animation
- Systemd
- TailwindCSS
- Terraform
- TeX and LaTeX
- Text manipulation in Linux
- Thymeleaf
- Tmux - terminal multiplexer
- Traefik
- uBlock
- Vagrant
- Varmilo VA88M keyboard
- Video processing in Linux (ffmpeg, convert, etc.)
- Vim
- VirtualBox
- Virtualisation (libvirt, kvm, qemu)
- Visual Studio Code
- VPN (and VPN hacks)
- Vue.js
- Webcams on Linux
- Webex
- WordPress
- X11 (Port Forwarding)
- XA transactions
- xargs
- XFCE desktop environment
- XML and XSLT
Full examples, web demos, and code snippets.
Tailwind CSS
- Fullscreen app (flexbox) + sidebar + sticky header/footer — A template for a web app which uses flexbox to create a full-screen app, with a sticky header and footer, a fixed-width sidebar, and two main panels with equal width. Suitable for a code editing app or similar.